Knowledge test for admission
to Bachelor's Degree in Music

2025-1 period (Bucaramanga)









The music knowledge test will take place at Edificio Daniel Casas starting at 7:30 a.m.

The participation time slot will be assigned on the day, so we suggest being available all day.

Knowledge test for admission

Bachelor's Degree in Music 2025-1

For the test, it is necessary for applicants to have knowledge of basic aspects of tonal music theory, which includes:

  • Recognition of major scales and their key signatures
  • Treble and bass clefs
  • Structure and recognition of major chords
  • Identification (aural and theoretical) of intervals within an octave

Note: Once admitted to the program, instrumental assignment will depend on the availability of slots in each instrumental class.

Applicants applying for the Bachelor’s Degree in Music at UIS must, in addition to meeting the general University requirements, take a specific music test consisting of four components:



This activity consists of the recognition of sound qualities, intervals, and triads.

Up to 20 points.


This activity involves the performance of a rhythmic exercise and a melodic-rhythmic exercise from the proposed exercise list, from which the judges will select some during the test.

Up to 20 points.


This activity assesses the applicant’s ability to perform pitch and rhythm exercises through imitation.

Up to 30 points.


This activity involves evaluating the instrumental skills of the applicant. The test will consist of performing a free piece on the applicant’s preferred instrument.

Up to 30 points.

Bibliographic and ICT


It is suggested to review the resources provided here on music theory, which will allow the applicant to theoretically substantiate the parts of the test.


  • Abromont, C., & Montalembert, E. de. (2005). Teoría de la música : una guía. Fondo de Cultura Económica.  (Music theory: a guide. Economic Culture Fund)
  • Baxter, H., Murcia, F., Andres, R., Baxter, M., & Jofre i Fradera, J. (2007). Cómo leer música: todo lo esencial sobre la Teoría Musical, presentado en forma amena, muy práctica y en sencillos y lógicos pasos (How to read music: all the essentials about Music Theory, presented in a pleasant, very practical way and in simple and logical steps.) /.Ma Non Troppo. (AVAILABLE AT UIS LIBRARY)
  • Coppenbarger, B. (2014). Music theory secrets : 94 strategies for the starting musician (1st ed.). Rowman & Littlefield. 
  • GRABNER, H., & Motte, D. de la. (2001). Teoría general de la música. Ediciones Akal (General theory of music. Akal editions.) (AVAILABLE AT UIS LIBRARY)
  • Palma, A. (2015). Curso de teoría razonada de la música. Volúmen 1. Melos (Course of reasoned theory of music. Volume 1. Melos.)
  • Powell, J. (n.d.). Así es la música: guía sobre la armonía, los tonos, los acordes y otros secretos de una buena música / Antoni Bosch (This is music: a guide to harmony, tones, chords and other secrets of good music / Antoni Bosch.) (AVAILABLE AT UIS LIBRARY)

Online Resources







Do you need more information?

Contact us

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Bachelor degree in Music

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2235 – 2236

E-mail: escart@uis.edu.co

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Campus Central UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Edificio de Administración 3
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Office Hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to noon.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


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