Enrollment Process for the Basic Engineering Cycle at Regional Campuses (2024-II)





Universidad Industrial de Santader (UIS) will conduct necessary inquiries into databases of public and private entities throughout the student’s enrollment in academic programs at UIS. This is to verify the accuracy of information provided by students, as well as the authenticity of documentation submitted for tuition calculation purposes.

If a student presents inaccurate or incomplete information that results in a reduction of tuition fees, discounts, or exemptions from payment, it will be considered a serious offense. The penalty for such actions may result in expulsion following regulatory procedures, in addition to potential legal actions (Agreement 032 of 1996 of the Superior Council).






























Submission of


Documentation must be uploaded from Wednesday, June 19 through Sunday, June 30, 2024 in PDF format.



Form Instructions

  1. Download the form (clicking will automatically download it). Socio-Economic Form

  2. Open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  3. Select “Fill & Sign”.

  4. Use “Add Text” to fill in the respective fields of the form.

  5. Once completed, print the form.

  6. Sign with a black pen.

Note 1: The form must be completed on both sides and duly signed with a black pen by all members of the Family Economic Unit (UEF).

Note 2: Review the instructions on the back of the form.

Note 3: The form must be completed directly in the PDF without changing the font size.


To download the admission letter, access the Admissions Module. Please note that to log into the system, you will need the following information:

  • Type of document

  • Document identification number

  • Saber 11 Exam results

Click here to access the Admissions Module.


Official and/or Public Institutions

  • Attach a copy of the graduation certificate.

Private Institutions

  • Original certification issued by the educational institution, signed by the Principal or the Bursar, which must include:

    • ICFES code of the school.

    • A statement that it is a private school.

    • School schedule (daytime, nighttime, semester-based, or other).

    • Monthly tuition fee paid in the 11th grade.

    • If you were a scholarship recipient in the 11th grade, it must be specified in the certification.

  1. Identity Document
  • Photocopy of the identity document enlarged to 150% for all members (father, mother, and student).
  1. Housing Stratification Certificate
  • Original housing stratification certificate for the members of the Family Economic Unit (UEF), issued by the Municipal Planning Office.
    • Validity of no more than 30 days.
    • The certificate must specify:
      • Property address.
      • Socioeconomic stratum.

    Note 1: The certificate must correspond to the address reported in the admission letter.

  1. Sisbén

  • Photocopy of the student’s Sisbén certificate.

  1. Marital Status

  • Married students or those in a de facto marital union must also attach the marriage certificate or the public deed of constitution of the de facto marital union.

  1. Electoral Certificate

  • If the student participated in the elections of:

    • Presidential elections on October 29, 2023 (for those over 18 years old).


Copy of the Single Tax Registry Form (RUT) with a validity from 2012 onwards for both father and mother, if they are registered with the DIAN as taxpayers. Check with the national ID number.


Submit the document as applicable to your case:

General Socioeconomic Form Instructions 2024 – 02 in PDF (Click here).

Individuals Required to File Income Tax:

  • Form 210 Income Tax and Supplementary Declaration for Natural Persons and Similar Residents and Liquidated Successions of Resident Decedents for the year 2022, duly signed by the declarant and stamped by the bank or with the DIAN electronic seal.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the taxable liquid income from the general section, line 97 of the income tax return, to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

If the Income Tax Declarant is a Pensioner:

  • Form 210 Income Tax and Supplementary Declaration for Natural Persons and Similar Residents and Liquidated Successions of Resident Decedents for the year 2022, duly signed by the declarant and stamped by the bank or with the DIAN electronic seal.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the taxable liquid income from the general section, line 97 of the income tax return, to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

  • Additionally, transfer the value of the taxable liquid income from line 101 of the income tax return to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 31 and 38 (benefactors) if applicable.

Employees Not Required to File Income Tax:

  • Form 220 Certificate of Income and Withholdings for Work and Pension Income for the year 2023.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the result of subtracting the value in line 49 (corresponding to severance pay deposited into the severance fund) from the value in line 52 (corresponding to total gross income) to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

Pensioners Not Required to File Income Tax:

  • Certificate from the Pension Fund or COLPENSIONES specifying the total value of income for the year 2022 for old-age, disability, substitution, or survivor’s pension.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the annual income to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

Independent Workers Not Required to File Income Tax:

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the total income received, as declared in the income certification for non-declarant independent persons for the year 2023, duly completed and signed by the worker, to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

Download the non-declarant format 2024 02 (click here).

Parental Separation:

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the annual value corresponding to the alimony payment to boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach one of the following supporting documents:

    • Public deed of dissolution of the marital partnership or family court judgment specifying the alimony payment.

    • Conciliation agreement before a legally authorized entity establishing the alimony payment.

    • Certificate of non-conciliation, setting the provisional alimony payment.

    • Alimony lawsuit or complaint for failure to provide alimony (current status of the process in the last six months).

Death of a Member of the UEF:

  • Without Survivor’s Pension:

    • In the socioeconomic form, record zero in boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach the original death certificate of the deceased member and a certificate from the Pension Entity specifying that there is no substitution or survivor’s pension for each beneficiary.

  • With Survivor’s Pension:

    • In the socioeconomic form, record the income received in 2022 from the pension in boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach the death certificate of the deceased member and a certificate of income and withholdings for work and pension income for 2022, issued by the Pension Entity that granted the substitution or survivor’s pension to each beneficiary.

Disappearance of One of the Parents:

  • In the socioeconomic form, record zero in boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach legal documents issued by the competent authority supporting the disappearance (e.g., kidnapping, natural events, repression, or others).

Form Instructions
  1. Download the form (clicking will automatically download it). Socio-Economic Form

  2. Open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  3. Select “Fill & Sign”.

  4. Use “Add Text” to fill in the respective fields of the form.

  5. Once completed, print the form.

  6. Sign with a black pen.

Note 1: The form must be completed on both sides and duly signed with a black pen by all members of the Family Economic Unit (UEF).

Note 2: Review the instructions on the back of the form.

Note 3: The form must be completed directly in the PDF without changing the font size.

To download the admission letter, access the Admissions Module. Please note that to log into the system, you will need the following information:

  • Type of document

  • Document identification number

  • Saber 11 Exam results

Click here to access the Admissions Module.

Official and/or Public Institutions

  • Attach a copy of the graduation certificate.

Private Institutions

  • Original certification issued by the educational institution, signed by the Principal or the Bursar, which must include:

    • ICFES code of the school.

    • A statement that it is a private school.

    • School schedule (daytime, nighttime, semester-based, or other).

    • Monthly tuition fee paid in the 11th grade.

    • If you were a scholarship recipient in the 11th grade, it must be specified in the certification.

  1. Identity Document

  • Photocopy of the identity document enlarged to 150% for all members (father, mother, and student).

  1. Housing Stratification Certificate

  • Original housing stratification certificate for the members of the Family Economic Unit (UEF), issued by the Municipal Planning Office.

    • Validity of no more than 30 days.

    • The certificate must specify:

      • Property address.

      • Socioeconomic stratum.

    Note 1: The certificate must correspond to the address reported in the admission letter.

  1. Sisbén

  • Photocopy of the student’s Sisbén certificate.

  1. Marital Status

  • Married students or those in a de facto marital union must also attach the marriage certificate or the public deed of constitution of the de facto marital union.

  1. Electoral Certificate

  • If the student participated in the elections of:

    • Presidential elections on October 29, 2023 (for those over 18 years old).

Copy of the Single Tax Registry Form (RUT) with a validity from 2012 onwards for both father and mother, if they are registered with the DIAN as taxpayers. Check with the national ID number.

Consult RUT

Download RUT


Submit the document as applicable to your case:

General Socioeconomic Form Instructions 2024 – 02 in PDF (Click here)

Individuals Required to File Income Tax:

  • Form 210 Income Tax and Supplementary Declaration for Natural Persons and Similar Residents and Liquidated Successions of Resident Decedents for the year 2022, duly signed by the declarant and stamped by the bank or with the DIAN electronic seal.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the taxable liquid income from the general section, line 97 of the income tax return, to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

If the Income Tax Declarant is a Pensioner:

  • Form 210 Income Tax and Supplementary Declaration for Natural Persons and Similar Residents and Liquidated Successions of Resident Decedents for the year 2022, duly signed by the declarant and stamped by the bank or with the DIAN electronic seal.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the taxable liquid income from the general section, line 97 of the income tax return, to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

  • Additionally, transfer the value of the taxable liquid income from line 101 of the income tax return to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 31 and 38 (benefactors) if applicable.

Employees Not Required to File Income Tax:

  • Form 220 Certificate of Income and Withholdings for Work and Pension Income for the year 2023.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the result of subtracting the value in line 49 (corresponding to severance pay deposited into the severance fund) from the value in line 52 (corresponding to total gross income) to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

Pensioners Not Required to File Income Tax:

  • Certificate from the Pension Fund or COLPENSIONES specifying the total value of income for the year 2022 for old-age, disability, substitution, or survivor’s pension.

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the annual income to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

Independent Workers Not Required to File Income Tax:

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the value of the total income received, as declared in the income certification for non-declarant independent persons for the year 2023, duly completed and signed by the worker, to boxes 17 and 24 (parents), or boxes 30 and 37 (benefactors) if applicable.

Download the non-declarant format 2024 02 (click here).

Parental Separation:

  • In the socioeconomic form, transfer the annual value corresponding to the alimony payment to boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach one of the following supporting documents:

    • Public deed of dissolution of the marital partnership or family court judgment specifying the alimony payment.

    • Conciliation agreement before a legally authorized entity establishing the alimony payment.

    • Certificate of non-conciliation, setting the provisional alimony payment.

    • Alimony lawsuit or complaint for failure to provide alimony (current status of the process in the last six months).

Death of a Member of the UEF:

  • Without Survivor’s Pension:

    • In the socioeconomic form, record zero in boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach the original death certificate of the deceased member and a certificate from the Pension Entity specifying that there is no substitution or survivor’s pension for each beneficiary.

  • With Survivor’s Pension:

    • In the socioeconomic form, record the income received in 2022 from the pension in boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach the death certificate of the deceased member and a certificate of income and withholdings for work and pension income for 2022, issued by the Pension Entity that granted the substitution or survivor’s pension to each beneficiary.

Disappearance of One of the Parents:

  • In the socioeconomic form, record zero in boxes 17 and 24 (parents). Attach legal documents issued by the competent authority supporting the disappearance (e.g., kidnapping, natural events, repression, or others).



Once all documentation has been received and accepted, the tuition statement can be downloaded from the UIS institutional website from July 12 to July 26, 2024, for regular payments. Extraordinary payments can be made until July 31, 2024.

  1. Click on the “Payments” button.

  2. Click on the “Undergraduate and Postgraduate Payment Statements” option.

  3. Enter your assigned code and password.

  4. Download the statement or pay online.

Tuition payment

Legalization of


The academic enrollment legalization process for first-level students will be conducted virtually.













Opening hours:

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.










Opening hours:

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  1. Click on the “Academic System” button.

  2. Enter your code and password.

  3. Select the “Change Personal Photo” option.

  4. Upload your photo.

Please ensure the following for uploading the photograph:

  • Size: 3×4

  • Document type

  • Use a white background

  • Wear dark clothing

  • Ensure the image is of good resolution

  • Maintain a professional appearance

This photo will be your institutional photo.

Scanned photos are not accepted.

All documents must be presented in PDF format:

  1. Birth Certificate

    • Photocopy of the readable Birth Certificate (PDF format).

  2. Identification Document

    • Photocopy of the Identification Document enlarged to 150% (PDF format).

    Note for Foreign Students:

    • Foreign students must present their visa and foreign identification card.

    • Venezuelan nationals must present their Temporary Protection Permit.

  3. Graduation Certificate

    • Photocopy of the high school diploma and graduation certificate.


    • Those who obtained their degree abroad must present validation of the degree before the Ministry of Education.

  4. Social Security

    • Recent proof of affiliation to a health or social security service provider (not older than one month).


    • Special healthcare regime affiliates (Education, Police/Military or Ecopetrol) must request proof directly from their EPS administrative offices.

  5. Tuition Statement

    • Copy of the tuition statement and payment receipt.


    • Both documents should be merged into a single PDF file.

    Additional Notes:

    • If you are certain that you meet the requirements for the Tuition Fee-Free Policy, you may proceed with the enrollment legalization without paying your tuition statement. Simply attach a copy of the statement.

  1. Click on the “Academic System” button.

  2. Enter your username and password.

  3. Select “Personal Data.”

  4. Choose the “Personal Information” menu at the top right for the CV format.

After downloading, please consider the following recommendations:

  • Sign digitally as demonstrated in the SmallPDF video tutorial (click here to watch).

  • The signature should be mechanical, meaning you sign on a blank sheet, take a photo, and save it to add to your CV.

Note 1: The CV includes a section to authorize another person to receive academic information on your behalf.

Note 2: A CV without a photograph is not valid.



Admitted applicants who cannot enroll due to the following reasons must request a seat reservation from the Admissions Committee before the enrollment legalization date, attaching the respective supporting documents as applicable:

  • Military service

  • Student illness

  • Academic exchange

Former UIS students who have been admitted must be in good standing with the University to proceed with enrollment.

Note: To credit courses completed in another UIS program, you must request course validation from the School Council of your new academic program.


  • Failure to complete the enrollment process on the assigned day will be considered as declining the placement, and it will be immediately reassigned.

  • For those admitted students who, for any reason, do not wish to take up their place, we kindly ask you to inform the university via email to the corresponding regional campus so that this opportunity can be offered to another applicant.

  • If you have taken courses at the Faculty of Sciences and wish to transfer credits, you must submit the “Course Advancement Form” to the email


Contact us



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